Friday, January 15, 2010

The Male Factor by Shaunti Feldhahn

From Mary
If you are looking for a well researched, well presented, well documented book that shows what the male gender is doing in the workplace, this is the book for you!! Understanding Your Male Colleague for Dummies, if there is such a book, wouldn't be this extensive or exhaustive. A book of this magnitude could only be tackled by Feldhahn, author of For Women Only. She understands the male mind and makes it possible for the female reader to do so also.

While I believe research can be slanted and flawed, it is in the readers best interest to remember that going to the source-in this case, men-is the best way to get the most productive answer. I believe Feldhahn's research is neither slanted or flawed and is very telling for both men and women.

As a reviewer, I realize it is taboo to interject "I love this book" at any point, yet my enthusiasm prohibits me from saying anything but. I love being a stay at home mom but wished Feldhahn could have released this years ago so that I could have put the research to good use. However, this is useful information for anyone wanting to understand workplace politics better. It's a winner! And yes, taboo or not, I love this book!

From the publisher
Many talented women today risk undermining their careers without realizing it, simply because they don’t understand how they are perceived by their male colleagues and customers.
In What Men really Think, best-selling author Shaunti Feldhahn reveals the inner reality behind men’s views — the unspoken expectations that no man would dare to publicly acknowledge, and no woman would learn from an HR department. These revelations include:

• Men’s unwritten ‘rules’ of the workplace
• How men perceive workplace emotion
• What common situations with female colleagues most frustrate men-- and why
• Why revealing clothing can sabotage a woman’s effectiveness
• Why some men think flextime is fine, but equal compensation for it is not

What Men Really Think equips women with the information they need to make informed decisions and compete on a level playing field.

Shaunti Feldhahn is a nationally syndicated columnist and the bestselling author of For Women Only: What You Need to Know About the Inner Lives of Men and For Men Only, which together sold one million copies. She holds a Master in Public Policy from Harvard, worked on Wall Street and now lives in Atlanta, Georgia.

Order here

Hardcover: 320 pages
Publisher: Multnomah Waterbrook (December 29, 2009)
Language: English
ISBN-10: 0385528116
ISBN-13: 978-0385528115
Product Dimensions: 8.3 x 5.7 x 1.3 inches

A copy of The Male Factor was provided by the publisher for review purposes.