Monday, January 05, 2009

Her Small Town Hero by Arlene James

"Sick of making beds at the Heavenly Arms, the motel owned by his grandfather, oil-driller Holt Jefford prayed for help. He got it in the form of a lovely young widow with an adorable baby son—and a suitcase full of secrets that Holt feels duty-bound to uncover. The past has taught Holt to value family, but he’s not sure that God intends him to marry because his, after all, is the same dangerous occupation that took his father’s life. Something about Cara Jane and little Ace speaks to a man’s inner hero, though, and makes him rethink old assumptions."

Read the first chapter, meet the author and watch the book trailor here

224 pages
Steeple Hill Books
released December 1, 2008