Tuesday, February 06, 2007

Have Kids or Else

Thanks to my cyber-friend, Charity for this heads up. This is for real. If you are infertile, you could lose your right to be married. Career couples that put off having children until later in their marriage may lose their marriage license. This is no joke. The traditional definition of marriage could be on the brink of being permanently altered. No matter what the outcome, it's outrageous that this sort of thing is getting any serious contemplation.


WA Initiative: Have Kids Or Else

The Associated Press

February 5, 2007, 7:57 PM PST

OLYMPIA — An initiative filed by proponents of same-sex marriage would require heterosexual couples to have kids within three years or else have their marriage annulled.

Initiative 957 was filed last month by Washington Defense of Marriage Alliance. That group was formed last summer after the state Supreme Court upheld Washington's ban on same-sex marriage.

Under the measure, marriage would be limited to men and women who are able to have children. Couples would be required to prove they can have children in order to get a marriage license, and if they did not have children within three years, their marriage would be subject to annulment.

All other marriages would be defined as "unrecognized" and people in those marriages would be ineligible to receive any marriage benefits.

Supporters must gather more than 224-thousand valid signatures by July 6 to put the initiative on the November ballot.

Opponents say the measure is another attack on traditional marriage, but supporters say the move is needed to have a discussion on the high court ruling.