Over the past few days I've been fortunate enough to view a few noteworthy pages and would like to share. The information varies, so consider this a pot luck of material. And please, after you're done reading, pass it on!
Start your own book club by following suggestions posted by author Sarah Sundin. By the way, her debut novel, A Distant Melody, is getting super reviews! Not just from me, either!
What is your idea of perfection? The Christian Medical and Dental Association has a devotional blog that is updated once a week, and this weeks entry may cause you to rethink your idea of precision.
Suzanne has provided a list of Congressmen to call if you are concerned about the currently proposed health care bill. There is a link to hear what others are saying on Twitter. Reports are that some are shouting "Kill the Bill! Kill the Bill" outside Congressional offices. Getting politically involved is as simple as picking up your phone and dialing a few numbers.
Sneak Peek from Waterbrook Multnomah allows the reader to download complete chapters to upcoming releases and get the inside scoop long before the book hits the shelves. Check out Here Burns My Candle by Liz Curtis Higgs. (Did I mention it was a personal favorite?) You can taylor your viewing preferences by month and category.
Finally, if you are on FaceBook, join the group "We want Christ brought back to Christian books". It was conceived out of a concern that novels marketed as "Christian" are selling out for a cross over audience by inserting charactor qualities or deeds not consistant with Christian standards. It's a great place to meet authors, publishers and readers that are true to the Christian standard.