I have a confession to make. I should be working on a writing project but have been side tracked for the last few days. Needing a reprieve from the subject matter I had been researching, I half heartily scanned my yet-to-be-read books and hoped one would jump out at me. As a lover of Biblical fiction, I couldn't resist choosing Journey to the Well and settled in for what I needed to be a good read.
When the Bible mentions the woman at the well and her interaction with Jesus, we immediately paint a mental picture of a woman living in sin. Shame on her. Taylor offers another more realistic scenario after a God inspired plot and much research formed to become Journey to the Well. As accurate as any title can be, it nails the synopsis of the novel in four words. What circumstances have transpired in her life that causes the woman at the well to require an almost urgent meeting with Jesus? What events in her life have brought her to the desperate crossroads she finds herself at? Her journey there is as important as the actual meeting of Jesus, and Taylor tells the story with vivid detail and rich descriptions.
Journey to the Well is a smooth stroll along the pathway of one woman, accentuated by the many characters that enter her life. With an unexpected ending, you have the perfect wrap up to a fascinating and sometimes sad story. I found it easy to get emotionally invested in the story and can guarantee I will never say "Shame on you" again when I hear someone mention the woman at the well.
I love Biblical fiction. It's my baby-my pride and joy. I read it, review it and edit it whenever I can. Journey is an exquisite buffet of heartache and redemption while demonstrating how a meeting with the Savior really does change lives.
I will return to my writing project now after a much needed break, but somehow, I know my mind will remain on the woman for a few more days. This was a well written, well portrayed person. She won't be easily forgotten.
Paperback: 336 pages
Publisher: Revell; 1 edition (March 1, 2009)
Language: English
ISBN-10: 0800733096
ISBN-13: 978-0800733094
Product Dimensions: 8.4 x 5.4 x 1 inches