Saturday, November 05, 2011

Monday, Mary's World LIVE! Round Two!

The last time Kellye Williams, Greg Johnson, and Kristy Trice were on air, it was bitter-sweet. We had a great conversation about leaving your comfort zone and facing physical and spiritual challenges in life. On the other hand, due to technical difficulties, half of the program did not record for archives making it impossible for those that missed the show to hear the wisdom shared by my guests. On Monday's show, Kellye, Greg and Kristy return for an encore production...well, almost. This time, Deidre Wilson will join in as we get up close and personal when I ask each guest to disclose where their journey began and how their progress is going, while Kellye will help fill in the gaps with her observations as their personal trainer and at times, life coach. Meet me on air, coffee in hand, as we take notes from a very inspirational group!

If the link on the sidebar does not work, you can listen here. It's going to be a great show!