Occasionally, I get this retro vibe and feel the need to dust off a best seller from a few years (or more) ago. This is how Redeeming Love fell into my hands. In wanting to review this book, my attempts have come up short. Empty. Lifeless. Because in all honesty, this book is so powerful, any words I use to describe it would cheapen the significance. There is no way to adequately review a book of this magnitude.
Francine Rivers hasn't always written christian fiction. It was only after her conversion that she penned the books christian readers have come to cherish. Her first novel following her conversion was Redeeming Love. It is the retelling of the story of Hosea and Gomer found in the book of Hosea. He loved her more than anything in spite of the fact she was a prostitute. Because of her lifestyle, she ran from his love many times, not understanding how pure and deep and profound it was. It was based on sacrifice, not desire or power. It is a parallel to Israel and how many times God wooed Israel back to him. It is also a lesson for us to somehow understand his love for us. We don't "get it", and in the process, run from it.
The concept, the obvious lesson in Redeeming Love can-not be better written than Hosea 11:8-11. God says "How can I give you up, Israel? How can I abandon you? ....my heart will not let me do it.....I will not come to you in anger."
480 pages
Multnomah Books
Released October 16, 2007