There is a circle of readers that do not believe christian fiction can do much besides entertain. They believe an author can not demonstrate Gods love nor describe how a christian could live daily through a fictional situation or character. They believe christian fiction can't compete with mainstream novels. I present What Sarah Saw as evidence to the contrary. In fact, this suspenseful, inspirational romance novel is a classic example of why christian fiction does exactly what it's accused of being incapable of doing.
Meet Sam, FBI agent working missing persons cases. Not because he really wants to, but because a piece of his past stays unresolved.
Meet Jocelyn, a child psychologist working with Sam on a case involving a missing mother, a dead father, and a 3 year old that may have been a witness to her fathers death.
Solving the case has it's own curves in the road. But when you complicate it with a past relationship between Sam and Jocelyn that hit the skids when their previous case ended badly, well, there's the perfect set up for a novel. How each embrace or reject the past while solving the present case can only be managed through their faith in God.
What Sarah Saw, the first in the 6 book Without a Trace series, is missing nothing that mainstream novels/novellas contain. There is action, suspense, romance, but also the expressed need for a dependency on someone greater and with a higher power than human mortality offers. It also addresses the reality of what unresolved guilt is capable of doing as each main charactor deals with that conflict in one way or another. Daley understands her readers and delivers in an intoxicating way. It is very hard to put this book down.
At 206 pages, What Sarah Saw is a relatively quick read, but don't worry. The second book in the series, Framed will be out in February of 2009, so you won't have to wait too long to continue the story. The only downside to the series is that Daley won't be writing all of the books. She is a talented author with a know-how in drawing the reader into the story-and fast! You will want to check out her other books in the Love Inspired Suspense catagory-Hearts on the Line, Heart of the Amazon, So Dark the Night, Vanished, Buried Secrets, Don't Look Back, and Forsaken Canyon.
206 pages
Steeple Hill Books
Soon to be released-January 2009