The abbreviated version-Hired Guns In Iraq is an intense rollercoaster ride through a convincing and realistic story-line.
The long version-On the surface, this appears to be a guy’s book all the way. The action is intense, the politics that come with the territory are male dominated, and the viewpoint is definitely testosterone driven. But that doesn’t mean this girl didn’t thrive on every word.
As Brogan sets out to ease his financial burden, he finds himself in Iraq as one of several body guards brought in as a low-profile group to protect those that render their services. After being accused of making a bad judgment call and botching a mission, he is ordered home. Brogan never makes it home. During his ride to the airport, his fully armoured Mercedes is ambushed and he is presumed dead.
Whether written from Shaun Schutte’s own background as a “security specialist” or drawn from his imagination, the book at times can be unsettling. If you’re not familiar with guns and war, the reasons the Iraqis may hold hostility for Americans, and the basic concept of an “insurgent ambush”, if killing to prevent being killed is a thought process you don’t want to entertain, this could be disturbing. But that is not a bad thing. Amidst the action-packed pages, I find myself provocatively drawn to the idea of love and war as seen through Brogan’s eyes. While I embrace the story line, I can’t help but contemplate the element of truth behind Schutte’s story. Truth is always stranger than fiction, and to ponder the possibility that this may be a daily occurrence overseas is awareness at a spiritual level. I was left wondering why terrorism even exists, and why men and women across the globe have to suffer to save the life of another. That was when Schutte’s central truth came into clear view. Sacrifice of one mans life, whether by our military, hired security personnel, or Jesus Christ himself, is the highest call of duty given.
As if to undermine the intensity of the story element, Schutte gently approaches thought patterns non-believers wrestle with while offering the hope of eternal life. In contrast to the death among the pages, he presents the life giving force of Gods love.
Be forewarned, reading Hired Guns In Iraq will spark thought and conversation.
At least this reviewer hopes so.
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216 pages
Pleasant Word Publishers (A division of WinePress Publishing)
Released 2008