This is not a new book, but one well worth the time to read if you are serious about making a difference in this world, or have a mild curiosity of The Dream Center in California. The Church That Never Sleeps tells how Matthew Barnett became the minister of one of the biggest inner city ministries to date. The Dream Center is housed in the 9 building complex formerly used by Queen of Angels Hospital in Los Angeles, CA. Half of the people living at The Dream Center are there as volunteers helping those addicted to drugs, in gangs or prostitution, troubled teens or other destructive lifestyles. With over 200 programs to date, the ministry has been able to decrease the homocide rate by 73% as well as decreasing the gang and prostitution activity.
A remarkable book, The Church That Never Sleeps shows you that The Dream Center is just that-a dream to those whose lives have been turned around.
Paperback 202 pages
Thomas Nelson Publishers