Saturday, September 06, 2008

Running Gods Way

The age old question of "Is God in politics?" has finally been approached in a straight forward and classy manner by a former Missouri state representative.

How many Biblical examples of leadership do we read of? Politics is nothing more than leadership, and God is definately in leadership. I love the concept of christians becoming more politically active and serving our country as explained in Vicki Hartzler's book Running Gods Way Any serious Christian politician wanna-be should read this manual that touches subjects such as writing a campaign plan and organizing a volunteer team. With endorsements by a US Congressman and Senator, you will devour the idea that yes, there is room in Washington for Christian politics and yes, there is a way or method to accomplishing this. It is the how-to that Hartzler writes indepth about. Whether approaching the book as a potential voter or one ready to indulge in political office, Running Gods Way will be the very ticket to success.

Visit WinePress Books to view this and other titles.

About Vicki and Running Gods Way