Sunday, August 31, 2008

Living the Lord's Prayer

David Timms has brought a transparency to the message of the Lord’s Prayer without sounding preachy or condescending. As a trainer of pastors for over 25 years, he acts as a motivational coach, leading us through the sometimes raw images of ourselves that need to be changed in order to fully embrace the message of the prayer. Take chapter six for instance-your will be done on earth as it is in heaven. He gently reminds us that we want clarity and an assurance instead of trusting that what we get is in God’s hands. “Our pursuit of clarity has become one of our greatest idolatries.” Timms leads us right to the end, the "Amen" that really means "yes". He encourages us to read scriptures and place a "yes" where there is an "Amen". It is easy to see we are agreeing with God's plan when we say "Yes", or "Amen" to what he asks of us.

Living the Lord's Prayer is a spiritual manual that can be handed down to your children with the confidence that it will be as meaningful and relevant to them as it is to you. It will be a true classic.

238 pages
Bethany House Publisher