Monday, November 21, 2011
Monday Night on Mary's World Talk Radio......
My guest tonight will be Art Hargrove. He served in the United States Navy and can give insight to the boot camp experience, military life and transitioning from military to civilian life. (which can be problematic) He will share how his faith played into his experiences and give advice for those considering a career within one of the service branches. Art's wife Jennifer will be sitting along side to explain her role as a military spouse. It's not as easy as you think.
Join us here, at 7 PM EST. If the link on the sidebar does not work, you can listen here. It's going to be a great show!
From the University of Phoenix: When you think about what a typical family is like, you might imagine the combination of personalities, expectations and roles that make up each unique family unit. Add military culture to the mix and a completely different kind of family dynamic emerges, complete with its own set of issues not often experienced by non-military families....the biggest difficulty is understanding military culture: the commitment to the mission, the high level of parent or spouse absence....and of course, there's the constant moving.
boot camp,
military families,
military wives,