Interview by Mary as it appears in the January edition of The Wordsmith Journal.
With 2012 upon us, it is not unusual to hear ‘what resolutions are you keeping this year?’ I happen to think a great New Year’s resolution would be to study the Bible more. After all, we often know what it says but do we know what it means? Can we connect Bible prophecy to current events? Better yet, can we state that our beliefs are based on the Bible or are we just parroting what we’ve heard?
I asked those very questions recently and in seeking the hard answers to a difficult question, came in contact with Robert Bruce Fruehling’s book The Revelation of King Arthur. His argument is thought provoking, expansive, and very convincing. Fruehling is driven with a passion to expose deception, but he is also a minister with a heart bigger than life and a great sense of humor. Behind the theological forefront, he is a man who loves walking in the woods, being around family, and sipping coffee.
MN-You are strongly opposed to the idea of Christians being deceived. Would you say that is your ministry passion?
RF- First Mary let me say thank you to you and The Wordsmith Journal for the opportunity of sharing my book. Your review was gracious and much appreciated. Yes, deception has been ongoing from The Fall in the Garden to present day. As a result we see the mess our world is in. In Matthew 24, Jesus first warned about deception before any other sign of the times. Some may wonder why I devoted the first few chapters to the dangers of being deceived, however I thought it good to lay the ground work concerning how deception works both individually and corporately. I believe we need to prepare for the biggest deception to be perpetrated upon humanity, namely the presentation of Antichrist under the motif of the supposedly Christian King Arthur.
MN-The general path of your book goes from the guards account (or story) of the empty tomb and the invention of such, that trail going straight to King Arthur, and then on to the connection of the anti-Christ. How long did it take you to research and connect these famous events?
RF-The path began in 1995. I read Joseph Carr's book, "The Twisted Cross". In it he exposed the occultist background of Adolf Hitler and the Nazi movement. As I was to find out, Hitler's favorite opera was "Parsifal". Based on a story of an Arthurian knight it was Hitler's love and carried him to the conclusion that he was part of a grand scheme to rescue the world.
Carr also introduced me to "Holy Blood, Holy Grail" by Baigent, Leigh, and Lincoln. Within its pages, I was supposed to be able to find the line of genealogy from Jesus and Mary Magdalene up to the present day. After my mother died in 1998, my brother Doug flew my wife Paula and me to San Diego for a vacation. While there we toured Balboa Park where there is a building called the United Nations. As we walked through the exhibit, one particular flag caught my attention. It was the flag of Wales that bears the image of a large red dragon on a field of white and green. Wales is also known as the birth place of King Arthur.
My mind went instantly to the verse in Revelation that speaks of an "enormous red dragon with seven heads and ten horns' (Rev.12:3). This began the questions: How will the person known as the Antichrist be presented? What banner or motif will he use as his own? As I coupled this with the "Legend of the Holy Grail" I began to see the connections between history, myth, and Scripture. If as the "Guards' Account" states in Matthew 28 "His disciples came during the night and stole him away" what happened then? The Revelation of King Arthur is my research and answer to this question, and where it will lead. I trust I have at least given seed for thought.
MN-When I reviewed your book, I wrote: "Terms such as 'whistleblower' and 'prophetic academician' came to mind although Frueling's sole motive was not to rebuke or lecture." Is that a fair statement?
RF-First of all Mary, I thank you for the compliment calling me an "academician". I don't know if many would define me as such. I am basically a preacher/teacher who wishes to give warning. When those outside of Christianity have the "Mayan Prophecy of 2012", and even movies stating that something is on the horizon, should I or any Christian be embarrassed to address Biblical prophecy and the return of Jesus? My intent is to be faithful to the Lord's calling.
MN-The amount of sources you provide for further study is impressive. Could your book be considered part study guide? Would you like to see churches implement your book as a home group study or book club choice?
RF-I would love for the book to be used in a group setting. My hope is that it would not just be a "read through", but would be kept as a resource. I welcome discussion. I would hope that people are specific when in disagreement and not just dismissive. I realize it is a dangerous thing to throw rocks at "stain glass windows", especially concerning my chapter on C.S. Lewis and J.R.R. Tolkien and their writings. Again, the intent is give warning.
MN-Let's get personal for a moment. With the year 2012 just around the corner, what are some projects you would like to complete (or even start) in the coming year?
RF-Well, as you know The Revelation of King Arthur was self-published through WinePress Publishing. As any writer would, I am hoping to have my book picked up by a publishing house. I also have a rough draft of a study guide for this book, and a tentative outline for a follow up. The next book would address the following: If my initial findings concerning the Arthurian motif are correct; then how did we get here, and where are we going?
I have also self-published a small guide to sharing faith; "Observations, A little book promoting dialogue". When all is said and done I want to be faithful.
MN-Let's play the child's game either/or for a minute. These are related to your typical Christmas day celebrations: Quiet day or house full of company?
RF-For Christmas we will have a house full-my son and his family, and my brother and some or all of his family. We wish all our family could be here, but they are too far away.
MN-Ham or turkey?
RF-For food, I believe in the past anyway, there has been both turkey and ham. Kill me with a fork and spoon!
MN-Football (or other televised sports) or WII?
RF-Probably there will be some football but we have also gone for our walk in the woods. Of course the ladies, hunters and gatherers, will be off to the wilds of the mall etc.
MN-Eggnog or coke?
RF-Like you Mary we are coffee drinkers, so it will be coffee and soft drinks.
MN-Do you take your decorations down right after Christmas or do you put it off as long as possible?
RF-If ya go to the trouble of putting the decorations up, leave them up at least 'til the Fourth of July! Juuust kidding. But we do go past New Years before they come down.
MN-What would be a great New Year's resolution for the church body as a whole to make?
RF-My major hope for the Church would be that we delve into the Bible. As my seminary professor said "We read books about the Bible but we don't read the Bible". If we are to exercise discernment and be ready for deception, then we must know what the Bible says. It really is "the good book".
The Revelation of King Arthur can be purchased at Winepress Publishing.
Join The Revelation of King Arthur FB Group Page.
You can connect with Fruehling on Facebook.