Friday, December 16, 2011

What Does Mary Read?

As a reader, this question comes up a lot, and why not? I am always quick to ask other book lovers what is on their current reading list. I am not above peering over the top of my book while sitting in Starbuck's, either, to snoop on the guy next to me to see what lies between the front and back cover he cradles. To satisfy the curiosity of those that have asked, here is my current list.

Love On Assignment by Cara Lynn James-Charlotte has gone undercover on assignment as a reporter to dig up anything that would destroy the character of Daniel Wilmont-a Christian columnist who writes a controversial religious column in the local newspaper. Yeah, yeah. You know where this is headed. They fall in love and she has a choice to make; divulge what she knows for the big pay day, or tell the truth and lose everything she holds near and dear in the process. As someone who inhales story lines related to moral dilemmas, this captured my attention from the first page.

The Leadership Wisdom of Solomon by Pat Williams-Not that my knowledge or library is vast when it comes to leadership manuals, however, I can say without hesitation, this is the only leadership book you would ever need and the first one you should reach for when even considering the role. Based on twenty-eight moral principles of leadership-think The Spiritual Dimension of Leadership, The Leader's Reputation, Leadership In Times of Crisis and more-Williams accurately nails the characteristics of leadership and how to value them. He is tough and challenges the wanna-be to think. In fact, if you can't think through situations and use constructive reasoning, find another occupation. I love this book!

Spiritual Leadership by Henry and Richard Blackaby-This book is all about accountability. How do you, as a leader, manage your time? Are you influencing others? If not, you're not a leader contrary to what your business card says. Is your goal to equip others to lead? Get over yourself and step into the true mission of leadership. This is one book that states your mission as a leader clearly from the front cover. Spiritual Leadership-Moving People on to God's Agenda.

A New Kind of Conservative by Joel C. Hunter-as a Christian political activist in the making, this book came highly recommended by someone who knows me and the subject matter pretty well. I just received the book and have not been able to study it per say, but perusing through the chapters proves this will be an influential piece of literature in my endeavor. Perhaps every Christian voter should read it, though, as it raises many key issues only a responsible citizen would dare contemplate. What are the issues Christians should care about and how do we expand and emphasize those issues? How can conservatives have an impact in the world, and by the way, what is a conservative anyway? (You know I love that chapter!) How do you move from awareness to participation?

There are other books that I am reading, but they are personal and reflect my current journey and so they will remain unnamed. At least for now. In the meantime, look for interviews and book reviews to be posted here and on The Wordsmith Journal's website over the next few weeks covering the following books:

Sara's Laughter by Tom Milton

Deliver me by Dianne E. Butts
Hurray God! Hope Pray Believe by Jeanette Sharp
Discovering Your Spiritual Center-The Power of Psalm 119 by David Teems
Wavelength-Tuning In To God's Voice In A World Of Static by Jeff Petherick