Wednesday, January 12, 2011
Who Are You Really, Why? by Ed Renegar
Dr. Frankl was condemned as a Jew to one of Hitler’s concentration camps, but allowed to serve other inmates as a physician. It didn’t take long for him to see Jews arriving sick, wasting away and dying, while others less robust surviving. What enabled them to go on living, while others seemingly stronger to perish? He reasoned it was their desire to live-whether to be reunited with a loved one or as just punishment to their captors, it was the ‘why’ that kept them going.
Does it really matter if you know who you are? Absolutely-especially when you know the ‘why’ behind ‘who’ you are. Author Ed Renegar tackles this question head on in his book Who are you really, Why? because knowing who isn’t complete unless you know why. Through a series of discussions centered on the three types of man-natural, carnal and spiritual-the reader can understand the why in no uncertain terms. Using Biblical examples, scripture references, and personal reflections, Renegar creates an environment rich in information and delivered with the wisdom of an experienced teacher. He not only instructs but shepherds as he helps the reader understand the deeper meaning to his revelations. Bible scholars will dive in to the academically driven dissertation, yet readers wanting a new and exciting study will find the format easy to follow and the topic thoroughly covered. In fact, don’t be surprised if during your personal study of Who are you really, why? you feel compelled to further research and find the topic coming up in your daily interaction with others. Renegar has an amazing gift of awakening the readers desire to learn and does not disappoint.
One of the highlights of his presentation is the breakdown of scripture in both Greek and Hebrew translations. This leaves the reader with factual meanings as opposed to Renegar’s personal interpretation or opinion. I was challenged to rethink my explanations of scripture on many accounts.
It is obvious through this work that Renegar is a gifted writer and teacher, and even more apparent that he would be an interesting speaker. With the talent of engaging his audience, the expertise in his subject matter, and the ability to flawlessly support his theories, Renegar could single-handedly lead discussions in a religious or academic setting.
“Who are you, really?” is a question commonly asked, and of itself, is a good question. However, to get to the root of who you really are, you have to contemplate ‘why’. “It must be a two way affair though. You must strive to move out of the way so that God the Holy Spirit can do his work.”
Paperback: 108 pages
Publisher: Pleasant Word-A Division of WinePress Publishing (July 16, 2010)
Language: English
ISBN-10: 1414115520
ISBN-13: 978-1414115528
Product Dimensions: 8 x 5 x 0.2 inches
A copy of What Are You Really, Why? was provided by Pleasant Word Publishing for review purposes.