Can a Canaanite harlot who has made her livelihood by looking desirable to men make a fitting wife for one of the leaders of Israel? Shockingly, the Bible’s answer is yes. At the age of fifteen Rahab is forced into prostitution by her beloved father. In her years as a courtesan, she learns to mistrust men and hate herself. Into the emotional turmoil of her world walks Salmone, a respected leader of Judah. Through the tribulations of a stormy relationship, Rahab and Salmone learn the true source of one another’s worth in God and find healing from fear and rejection.
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Paperback: 320 pages
Publisher: Moody Publishers (September 1, 2010)
Language: English
ISBN-10: 0802458815
ISBN-13: 978-0802458810
Product Dimensions: 8.2 x 5.5 x 0.9 inches