Thursday, May 06, 2010

Waiting For Daybreak by Kathryn Cushman

Paige Woodward gets a second chance. An ugly event from her past and concern for her cancer striken mother prompt her to take a job close to home. She hopes this transition will enable her to financially assist her parents but also has high hopes that she can settle into the small town pharmacy and be the best she can be.

Clarissa wants her own apothecary and will go to any extreme to get it. When Paige appears on the scene, her attention to detail and favor with the customers rubs Clarissa the wrong way. Instead of feeling gratitude that Paige can help her reach that goal, she becomes threatened, and a woman scorned is a handful to deal with.

Although I do not agree with the "3% of blame" Paige assumes, it's not a black and white issue. In fact, this is a story line that could provoke thought and discussion among the most moral of people. My introduction to Kathryn Cushman through Daybreak was a good one. So good that there is another novel by her waiting for me to crack the cover and go for it. I honestly like her style, her depth in dealing with issues, and the underlying tone that there isn't always a clear cut right or wrong answer-and sometimes, what motivates someone to make a bad decision, isn't always for self promotion.

Not a new release, but a great one if you want an easy read, attention grabbing charactors, a flawless and believable story line, and many referances to who God is without being preachy. (As Marysworld readers, you know how important spiritual referances are to me when reading a Christian novel!!)

Waiting For Daybreak can be summed up in one sentence. "At the time that seems darkest, when the city is surrounded and all apparently lost, the only thing to do is stand your ground and have faith for the break of day."

Paperback: 320 pages
Publisher: Bethany House Publishers (October 1, 2008)
Language: English
ISBN-10: 0764203819
ASIN: B002U0KR10
Product Dimensions: 8.3 x 5.5 x 1 inches