Mary Byers is a national speaker who is dedicated to helping people live and work more fully. An award-winning communicator and member of the National Speakers Association, Byers has been speaking professionally since 1988. She currently consults with, and speaks to, a wide variety of associations, corporations, civic groups, women's groups, and social service agencies. She is a member of Advanced Writers and Speakers and the Christian Authors Network.
A professional writer for 20 years, Byers is the author of The Mother Load: How to Meet Your Own Needs While Caring for Your Family and has written for several publications, including Entrepreneur, Association Management, and the Fort Wayne News Sentinel. She also contributed to For the Write Reason: 31 Writers, Agents and Editors Share Their Experiences with Christian Publishing. In addition, she is currently a columnist for two professional trade publications and managing editor for a quarterly journal.
Byers is a frequent media guest, discussing women's topics on national radio and television programs produced by Crossroads Christian Communications, leSea Broadcasting, North American Mission Board, Moody Broadcasting, Trinity TV, and the Total Living Network. She has been quoted in Woman's Day, Parents and Organic Style magazines and featured in the State Journal-Register, The Pantagraph and The Janesville Gazette.
Byers and her husband, Stuart, reside in Illinois with their two youngest children, nine-year-old Marissa and seven-year-old Mason.
Byers is credited with authoring three books and contributing to a fourth. They include:
How to say No and Live to Tell About It
The Mother Load
The SOS for PMS
Extraordinary Women