In High Places, was given 5 stars on Amazon. "After the death of their mother and wife, 16-year-old Patrick Nolan and his dad relocate to West Virginia and open a rock-climbing shop. But when grief drives the elder Nolan to try increasingly dangerous feats, Patrick and the local pastor's daughter realize they must act. Will they be in time?"
hardcover 352 pages,
Bethany House Publishers

Jane Austin's book A Proper Pursuit was given 4.5 stars on CBD. As one reader put it, "I love it, I love it, I love it. Once I started it, I could't put it down. Funny and inspirational. I would highly recommend it." From Publishers Weekly: "Christy award-winning historical novelist Austin delivers her strongest offering yet, a coming-of-age story set in late-19th-century Illinois. The great strength of this novel comes from the first-person narrator’s charming voice: 20-year-old Violet Hayes is distressed to learn that her father is remarrying—and that her mother, whom Violet believed lay recovering from a mysterious illness in a sanitarium somewhere, had in fact simply abandoned her family and filed for divorce. To escape a stepmother-to-be she can’t stand, Violet heads to Chicago to stay with her grandmother and great-aunts. Although she’s recently graduated from a genteel school for young ladies, it’s in Chicago that Violet’s real education begins. One great-aunt tries to persuade her to join the suffrage movement, while another introduces Violet to elite society and urges her to catch a wealthy husband. Her grandmother, who takes her cues from Jane Addams, introduces Violet to the world of revivalist Christianity and inner-city good works, prompting Violet to re-examine her own faith. Two questions drive the plot: will Violet find her mother, and will she encounter true love? Readers will enjoy accompanying Violet as she discovers the answers, her calling and her adult self."
Paperback 400 pages
Bethany House Publishers

Sylivia Bambola's moving book Tears in a Bottle will be an eye opening read regarding the abortion business industry and post-abortion syndrome.
Paperback 320 pages
Multnomah Publisher