Pastor of Mars Hill, dubbed the fastest growing church ever, does more than write books, make videos and preach on Sunday morning. Bell opens our spiritual eyes to see what God is really about. God's not wrapped up in Sunday morning sunday school or pew jumping or aisle running. He is what we make of him within our hearts. God is about relationship. His love for us supersedes anything else in life. That is what he strives to show us. And what we are too busy to see. Oh, it's church stuff we are busy with but he is not impressed. He wants us to slow down-heck, stop if you can, and see him for who he is.
Bell could not express this true desire of Gods any clearer than through the video parables he creates through Nooma. Try watching "Rain". It is exceptional in describing God's love for us. Or try "Bullhorn" on for size. In fact, you can't watch any of Nooma's videos without grasping a central truth to God's existence and his plan for creation.
If you are tired of milk and want meat, you have to acquaint yourself with Pastor Bell. It is no holds barred when it comes to putting to bed the religious lies our culture tries to impregnate us with. Two exceptional books penned by Bell are Sex God: Exploring the Endless Connections Between Sexuality and God and
Velvet Elvis:Repainting the Christian Faith.
Bell's perception of God is what I believe God wants it to be. If we could learn and embrace what he knows, we would deepen our spiritual lives considerabley. He's not religious by any means. But neither was Jesus. You've got to try his faith on for size.